this bird is a rosy-faced love bird(psittacidae). Also known as a rosy-headed lovebird, rosy-ringed lovebird, rosy-cheeked lovebird,rosy-collared lovebird
scientific name agapornis roseicollis
family: Psittacidae parrots new world and African parrots and parakeets.
this bird is a rosy-faced love bird(psittacidae). Also known as a rosy-headed lovebird, rosy-ringed lovebird, rosy-cheeked lovebird,rosy-collared lovebird
scientific name agapornis roseicollis
family: Psittacidae parrots new world and African parrots and parakeets.
Known as a rosy-headed lovebird, rosy-ringed lovebird, rosy-cheeked lovebird,rosy-collared lovebird scientific name agapornis roseicollis family: Psittacidae parrots new world and African parrots and parakeets.
This is probably the cutest bird you will see in the West Indies - definitely worth the trip! A bird that fits the palm of your hand, and is filled with so much energy!
With a head proportionately bigger than the rest of his body, the most distinguishable part is the bright lime-green plumage and rose-red colored throat complete with a touch of blue on the sides. Todies sport a flat bill for catching insects, their main source of nutrition.
And incredible insect catchers they are! In Puerto Rico, todies can catch up to one or two insects a minute, hunting from dawn to dusk. Their wings make a strong humming sound, like a hummingbird, which comes from the amount of wing flapping they do per minute.
The rosy-faced lovebird, also known as the rosy-collared or peach-faced lovebird, is a species of lovebird native to arid regions in southwestern Africa such as the Namib Desert. A loud and constant chirper, these birds are very social animals and often congregate in small groups in the wild. Wikipedia
Mass: 46 – 63 g
Scientific name: Agapornis roseicollis
Family: Psittaculidae
Class: Aves
Phylum: Chordata
este pássaro é um pássaro do amor de rosto rosado (psittacidae). Também conhecido como um periquito de cabeça rosada, periquito de anéis rosados, periquito de bochechas rosadas,
agapornis roseicollis nome científico
família: Psittacidae papagaios novo mundo e papagaios e periquitos africanos.
this bird is a rosy-faced love bird(psittacidae). Also known as a rosy-headed lovebird, rosy-ringed lovebird, rosy-cheeked lovebird,rosy-collared lovebird
scientific name agapornis roseicollis
family: Psittacidae parrots new world and African parrots and parakeets
The rosy-faced lovebird, also known as the rosy-collared or peach-faced lovebird, is a species of lovebird native to arid regions in southwestern Africa such as the Namib Desert. A loud and constant chirper, these birds are very social animals and often congregate in small groups in the wild. Wikipedia
Mass: 46 – 63 g
Scientific name: Agapornis roseicollis
Family: Psittaculidae
Class: Aves
Phylum: Chordata
Known as a rosy-headed lovebird, rosy-ringed lovebird, rosy-cheeked lovebird,rosy-collared lovebird scientific name agapornis roseicollis family: Psittacidae parrots new world and African parrots and parakeets.
this bird is a rosy-faced love bird(psittacidae). Also known as a rosy-headed lovebird, rosy-ringed lovebird, rosy-cheeked lovebird,rosy-collared lovebird
scientific name agapornis roseicollis
family: Psittacidae parrots new world and African parrots and parakeets.