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EnglishCan anyone identify this plant species?

Went out for a stroll and was taking pics on a park that had various plants. Correct tip provided that includes text and image to compare with the photo will earn the reward. Thank you.

Bitfortip 3 years ago
  • Plant
  • Bitcoincash

Hannah Hart 3 years ago
More info here -
Abel 3 years ago
porya 3 years ago
Hiii. I hope you have a great day! I am a pharmacist and to my knowledge this plant is called Salvia leucophylla green which has wonderful medicinal properties.
For more information, email me to take a photo
Martin Bodek 3 years ago
I believe it's Atriplex Argentea:
kimo2 3 years ago
Looks like a sage bush
Ferhat 3 years ago
Winston 3 years ago Correct
Salvia officinalis
The name comes from the Latin word 'salvus' - to be healthy, according to the properties of some species used for medicinal purposes. The genus of sage (salvia) has about 700 species, common in temperate and warm regions of both hemispheres
Bitfortip 3 years ago
Seems like this was it.
Thank you.
Alexander 3 years ago
Es una Salvia púrpura
La salvia púrpura es un arbusto perenne fragante que crece 3-5o de alto y 6-8o de ancho.

Esta planta excepcionalmente resistente y tolerante a la sequía se utiliza ampliamente en plantas nativas y paisajismo con bajo nivel de agua.

La salvia púrpura es un arbusto de hojas plateadas con fragancia picante y flores de color púrpura claro en espigas. Forma montículos limpios y le gusta el sol completo y un buen drenaje.

La salvia púrpura florece de mayo a julio

Excelente seto bajo, costero o interior.

Sol: Sol completo

Agua: Seca, Ligera

Suelo: Arcilla, Marga, Arena, Rocky

Otros: Atrae mariposas, atrae abejas, resistente a los ciervos, tolerante a la sequía