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EnglishLooking for help adding tor2mail account to Thunderbird/Icedove Server

Looking for help adding tor2mail account to Thunderbird/Icedove Server. Currently following the instructions online. The settings it gives are; IMAP Address: mail2tor3yf6k42e.onion SMTP Address: mail2torx3jqgcpm.onion 25 We do not use TLS/SSL Then auto detect the rest of the information. Anyone?

Dbtc 7 years ago

Sukses Mulia 7 years ago Correct and translate to english
Vinu0080 7 years ago
Dbtc 7 years ago
Pointless Answer
Tuhin Tusar 7 years ago
I can help you with this.

Just let me know if you still need this service.
shuradragon 7 years ago
Al configurar una cuenta de correo electrónico, Thunderbird suele ser capaz de hacer la mayor parte de la configuración de forma automática. (Puedes ver Configuración automática de las cuentas para obtener más información.) Sin embargo, tendrás que configurar manualmente tu cuenta si tu proveedor de correo electrónico no aparece en la base de datos de configuración automática de Thunderbird 3 o si la configuración de correo electrónico no es una configuración estándar. Esta página te mostrará la configuración básica que necesitas para enviar y recibir correos electrónicos.

Si has creado una cuenta de correo electrónico a la que, de forma automática, se le ha asignado un servidor IMAP en lugar de servidor POP, puedes consultar la página PUF - Cambiar de IMAP a POP para más información.

Para configurar manualmente una cuenta de correo electrónico, debes conocer los siguientes datos, los cuales los suele proporcionar tu proveedor de correo electrónico):

Servidor de correo entrante y el puerto correspondiente (por ejemplo, "" y el puerto 110 o "" y el puerto 143).

Servidor de correo saliente y el puerto correspondiente (por ejemplo, "" y el puerto 25),

Los opciones de seguridad necesarias para la conexión con el servidor (por ejemplo, "STARTTLS" o "SSL / TLS" y si deseas o no utilizar una autenticación segura).

En primer lugar, abre la configuración de la cuenta (Editar > Configuración de las cuentas). Cada cuenta de correo electrónico o grupo de noticias que ya se han configurado con anterioridad se muestran en el lado izquierdo del cuadro de diálogo de Configuración de las cuentas. Estas cuentas corresponden a las carpetas de nivel superior que están representadas en la lista "Todas las carpetas".
samydude 7 years ago
i can help you with that man.just let me know
Dbtc 7 years ago
Still need help
Musclepupxdom 7 years ago
Hello, I am Musclepupxdom,

When setting up an email account, Thunderbird is usually able to do most of the setup automatically. (You can see Automatic Account Setup for more information.) However, you will need to manually configure your account if your email provider does not appear in the Thunderbird 3 automatic configuration database or if the email settings do not Is a standard configuration. This page will show you the basic settings you need to send and receive emails.

If you have created an email account that has been automatically assigned an IMAP server instead of a POP server, you can consult the PUF - Switch from IMAP to POP page for more information.

To manually configure an email account, you should know the following information, which is usually provided by your email provider):

Incoming mail server and corresponding port (for example, "" and port 110 or "" and port 143).

Outgoing mail server and the corresponding port (for example, "" and port 25),

The security options required for connecting to the server (for example, "STARTTLS" or "SSL / TLS" and whether or not you want to use secure authentication).

First, open the account settings (Edit> Account Settings). Each email account or newsgroup that has already been set up is displayed on the left side of the Account Settings dialog box. These accounts correspond to the top-level folders that are represented in the "All Folders" list.
Freibeuter 7 years ago
Hello Tuhin Tusar,

I have the same Problem. Need your help too. ;(
Anne Nnebedum 7 years ago
Go to Google

It gives the best answers

I hope this is helpful
cl 7 years ago
Your need to connect to thunderbird/icedove through tor.

Your can do this using the addons torbird
rj5001 7 years ago
IMAP Address: mail2tor3yf6k42e.onion
Raasta 7 years ago
let me know if you still need help!
jianson 7 years ago
good good very good
Dbtc 7 years ago
Pointless answer
NicolasRodriguez88 7 years ago
search the dns primary and the second, and complete the secuency
vjyadav 7 years ago
call me at 9728982244
NikhilModi 7 years ago and translate to english
torpedo 7 years ago
go to and search there
marciosilva1 7 years ago
You have to tray reset password, delet one of your acounts, or go to direct talk on the support.
mefistofeles19 7 years ago
Hello, I am mefistofeles19,

When setting up an email account, Thunderbird is usually able to do most of the setup automatically. (You can see Automatic Account Setup for more information.) However, you will need to manually configure your account if your email provider does not appear in the Thunderbird 3 automatic configuration database or if the email settings do not Is a standard configuration. This page will show you the basic settings you need to send and receive emails.

If you have created an email account that has been automatically assigned an IMAP server instead of a POP server, you can consult the PUF - Switch from IMAP to POP page for more information.

To manually configure an email account, you should know the following information, which is usually provided by your email provider):

Incoming mail server and corresponding port (for example, "" and port 110 or "" and port 143).

Outgoing mail server and the corresponding port (for example, "" and port 25),

The security options required for connecting to the server (for example, "STARTTLS" or "SSL / TLS" and whether or not you want to use secure authentication).

First, open the account settings (Edit> Account Settings). Each email account or newsgroup that has already been set up is displayed on the left side of the Account Settings dialog box. These accounts correspond to the top-level folders that are represented in the "All Folders" list.
gizi 7 years ago just translate please