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EnglishWe all know the MAD doctrine. How will the world react if Russia uses a tactical nuke in Ukraine in the following 2 scenarios in your opinion?

A) Tactical nuke on a battlefield to eliminate a standing Ukrainian army. B) Use a nuke on a major Ukrainian city. How will the world react.. Your thoughts..

figureskaterx 2 years ago
  • Ukraine
  • War
  • Nuke
  • Nuclear Weapon

Gracious Interests 2 years ago Correct
For both scenario A and B will it be met with strong opposition and force. MAD probably assured.

In both scenarios:
Public outcry and media framing this attack as a tactical ploy to scare the armies standing against Russia. Various organizations will start vouching to repay in kind and use their nukes to take out major Russian infrastructures and cities in an attempt to stop further nukes being used. Chances are, however, we will retain moral high ground and not make use of our Nuclear arsenal. Opting for diplomatic ways while alerting all Western nations about nuclear attacks and what to do when it hits. Various scripts and maneuvers being shared with regular "training" sessions for civilians in order to protect and survive. Sharing of medical supplies against radiation. etc... Short after the attacks will orders be given and various cities (both in Russia as in the rest of the EU and US) being blown of the map. US might not face the first tactical nuke strikes due to distance, all will depend on which side China will be on though it can be assured they will either perform the attacks for Russia OR will allow them to do so.

What will differ in both scenarios will be how the attack is going to be presented.
In Scenario A) will media spin it that Russia is getting desperate and reckless as a result. Great caution be needed.
In Scenario B) will media spin it the same way though the ongoing narrative will be that it is to be interpreted as a warning. Not so much as a careless and reckless (high-costing) move.
figureskaterx 2 years ago
Hi, thanks for your thoughtful reply. It all depends on the circumstances.

So do you think even though they are not a NATO ally the west's response will be to nuke them and as result annihilate each other?
Soliman 2 years ago
لا اعتقد ان الحرب تنفع شخصا دون الاخر ولكن الحرب دائما خساره لكلا الاطراف
Andrew 5 months ago
Ответа не будет так как Байден забыл где красная кнопка.
Amirhossein 2 years ago
its completely madness. i hope peace for the world with no war
dfjconst 2 years ago
it would be the start of world War 3
Abohfu Crovies Ngunbeza 2 years ago
Ukraine is a Sovereign country. The U.N. fundamental role is to protect every UN member State sovereignty and to maintain peace and order. Ukraine territorial integrity should and must be respected by Russia and it's the role of the U.N. to do so if Russia fails to respect same, obviously Russia has refused to respect Ukraine's territorial sovereignty which an cardinal element of international law.
Quadri Moruf 2 years ago
Russia won't dare, it will be the end of Russia
Aldo Colombo 2 years ago
I think that will not happen, but if it did, then I hope they won't be answered in the same way, so Russia would get more isolated, probably by China too. Of course, if it is answered the same way, the world is over.
yarvi 2 years ago
Doctrine developed at the time of the Cold War, on the one hand by the Soviet Union, and on the other hand by the United States This strategy is a form of balance, in which each of the parties cannot break the balance So he will be against Russia
Eslam Boyka 2 years ago
The world will fall into a third world war
Moataz 2 years ago
First of all, a global catastrophe and complete annihilation of many cities and countries. Billions of dead and those who will die by rumor killers and poison gas will not be an attack on the country that is intended to be attacked without violating the entire human race.
Miss Mike 2 years ago
The USA is a renowned treaty breaker. The NATO Group is a defunct and disfunction organization. The BRICS Nations should be a separate entity trying to reshape the world away from the so-called first world nations. Therefore 'The World' as you put it is fractured and given to multiple responses. As it stands, the world will go ahead and just shrug this one off and go about it's own business, and just let the chips fall where they may. To hell will the stupidity the USA caused.
Adeel 2 years ago
For both scenario A and B will it be met with strong opposition and force. MAD probably assured.

In both scenarios:
Public outcry and media framing this attack as a tactical ploy to scare the armies standing against Russia. Various organizations will start vouching to repay in kind and use their nukes to take out major Russian infrastructures and cities in an attempt to stop further nukes being used. Chances are, however, we will retain moral high ground and not make use of our Nuclear arsenal. Opting for diplomatic ways while alerting all Western nations about nuclear attacks and what to do when it hits. Various scripts and maneuvers being shared with regular "training" sessions for civilians in order to protect and survive. Sharing of medical supplies against radiation. etc... Short after the attacks will orders be given and various cities (both in Russia as in the rest of the EU and US) being blown of the map. US might not face the first tactical nuke strikes due to distance, all will depend on which side China will be on though it can be assured they will either perform the attacks for Russia OR will allow them to do so.

What will differ in both scenarios will be how the attack is going to be presented.
Miss Mike 2 years ago
Gracious Interests and Adeel sound like one and the same 'company', so I would not trust either with a 10-ft. pole.
figureskaterx 2 years ago
Or Adeel copied Gracious Interests answer.
Osima Lawson 2 years ago
In the current context, Putin could view nuclear weapons use as necessary to ensure Russian national security interests are not derailed by overt Western military support to Ukrainian efforts—which would be in line with stated Russian doctrine. One course of action could be a so-called demonstration strike with a single low-yield nuclear detonation in Ukraine or over the Black Sea to serve as a dramatic warning that resistance to Russia’s military campaign must be ended, backed by the compellent threat of further tactical nuclear attacks. There is no question that Putin has already signaled the use of nuclear weapons as an option, and he has stated his (alleged) concern about nuclear weapons being stationed in Ukraine for use against Russia.
figureskaterx 2 years ago
Just imagine the dramatic effect of seeing a nuke being exploded over the Black Sea. Chaos
BB23 2 years ago
This will bring world riots and USA China nuke stand off something big has to happen for another distraction
César Enrique Pujada Cueto 2 years ago
I think would be the start of the third world war
Aldo Colombo 2 years ago
there will be no world war, as there will be no world anymore
Faiz 2 years ago
I think it's going to hinder a world war if they intend to continue this madness
Faiz 2 years ago
I think it's going to hinder a world war if they intend to continue this madness
Esa 2 years ago
To answer "A" we can take a trip to history and "Hiroshima". If people and the government of Ukraine resist, even nuke can not take them down easily. In other word, it completely depends on Ukraine itself. But to answer "B" we can take a look at Ukraine allies such as U.S and Europe. Are they really helping with just sending arms? Maybe the obvious answer is yes, but they could increase diplomatic talks with Russia to cease fire in Ukraine. So, today Russian Officials declared some circumstances that can lead to using Nuclear Weapons. If this happens there is no hope to save Ukraine from fall based on what we saw with it's allies. U.S and Europe don't have the power to cope with Russia. Iran took them to their knees and they can not do anything, let alone Russia.
mohammad javad 2 years ago
The people of the world will protest for a while, but they will not do anything, because they are afraid of a world war
Chintan Datt 2 years ago
Not a good question, strictly speaking. I don't know, truthfully speaking. The law and people have the answers... or maybe youtube. Long live the revolution.
amin 2 years ago
When the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, Japan and its supporters surrendered to the United States, and it is the same now, if Russia drops an atomic bomb on Ukraine, Ukraine and all its supporters will surrender to Russia, and Russia will become very, very powerful.
Terry 2 years ago
Nato forces will have no choice but to intervene
Deogratius 2 years ago
I think there will be a backlash from the NATO allies because the NATO really wants to react but they're backing down for fear of a nuclear or world war... but if Russia does it then there'll be nothing else to lose... hence a confrontation will occur
Ahmad kysoon 2 years ago
اتوقع ان روسيا اقوى من ان تضع نفسها في هاذا الموقف الصعب
ranvoty 2 years ago
For ( B) it will be a game change
Martin 2 years ago
NATO needs to intervene else it will all end in a even bigger disaster :/
onpoint 2 years ago
Не говорите чушь! Россия никогда первая не начнет атомную войну. Ядерный потанциал России придуман по принципу защиты а не нападения. То есть, активация ядерных ракет сработает только в том случае, если ПВО зафиксирует запуск ракет по территории России и только тогда запустит ракеты. Это будет исключительно ответным ударом. А всё что говорят сми на западе , это промыв мозгов людей и потанциально негативно настраивание людей против России! Всем желаю мира!
Mahdifatii 2 years ago
I think that will be the first step for the big wars and the Last wars words
Gleison Macedo Campregher 2 years ago
I believe that in both scenarios a global catastrophe would happen, to the point of generating a war between all the countries until the last one remains that will govern in full.
I sincerely think that, everyone will go against Russia, but somehow, everyone will go against each other.
Godofredo 2 years ago
Es un escenario improbable tanto para A) y B).
La explosión de una bomba atómica implica contaminación del aire, masas de aire radioactivo moviéndose a todo el planeta, si Rusia decide explotar una bomba se expone a que en toda Rusia y todo Moscú sea afectado, es como si yo quiero quemar con fuego y estoy mojado con gasolina es ilógico.

Las bombas atómicas solo sirven para disuadir y no para ser usadas porque se imaginan si las usan nada quedara no se cuanta gente quedara viva pero con cáncer y otras cosas ya para morir no tiene sentido, ¿Qué gobierno gobernara a quien? ¿A que gente se controlara? ¿Qué sigue? Un planeta muerto con ningún recurso vital, no hay agua para tomar y los victoriosos saliendo de los bunkers en trajes espaciales ¿Para que? para gobernarse entre ellos no lo creo!!. Los lideres piensan en eso y saben que no es viable ya se a una explosión de una bomba pequeña pero la contaminación es grande y no le conviene a nadie. Si las bombas atómicas no fueran radioactivas es otra cosa pero incluso así no conviene porque se usarían todas y el planeta de igual forma quedara destruida.
Si explotan una bomba pequeña la mas pequeña no tiene sentido que lo haga Rusia porque ESTA SERCA y esa explosión le conviene que suceda a los que tienen el negocio de las armas.
mokhtar 2 years ago
The world will deal with Russia as they used forced weapons on Ukraine
Shahid Mumtaz 2 years ago
Putin is suffering from serious illness and so his mental level shows that he can do anything.
So he may start the world war 3, no mater how much destruction we'll see or what happen with human on this planet.