Nope, afraid not. But the Chinese video of people scrambling to stock on food as the Chinese President Xi told them to could only remind me of centuries of starvation in China as depicted in a novel by Pearl S. Buck.
Check the date this video was in 2020. During the start of the pandemic these videos of people dropping like birds where filmed in china. They are not real, pure propaganda. To the best of my knowledge they did not happen anywhere else in the world.
Of course, there are videos of people fainting day in day out but as to whether that has the ability to cause panic is the question. Am saying this because not all people have the same medical problem so it's not quite certain if that should really cause panic
Cette vidéo, n'est juste que dû pure exagération. Le Coton est un virus et non ne maladie qui fait évanouie. De toute façon,il n'y a pas autre vidéo pareille