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EnglishIs this disk really unrecoverable from its data?

So took it to a company that is for data recovery and they said that by their opinion it is unrecoverable. Photo that you see. They send it back to me. What are your thoughts? Any recommendations for an alternative company to try? Is this something that only secret services like Mossad,MI6 and NSA could recover data from? I remind from my previous post that the hard disk sustained damage from falling from 1 meter.

blabla93 3 years ago
  • Data
  • Recovery
  • Hard Disk
  • Pc

MOHAMMAD KHAN 3 years ago
yes it's retrieveable. Try this link company, it can extract data even from stone :)

good luck
Sonu01 3 years ago
no this it's not perfect and trusted com if proof and trust to please reply me for componey.
Pincherro 3 years ago
Kindly try
call this number 1-800-237-4200 and speak to a specialist or go to the website where you can submit your case online. Their physical locations are;
1241 Quarry Lane
Suite 115
Pleasanton, CA 94566.

1500 N. Priest Drive
Suite 122
Phoenix, AZ 85281.

off the Don Valley Parkway’s Eglinton Avenue exit
12 Concorde Place glass tower, Suite 203, Toronto
Call 647-723-7040.
gokul 3 years ago
no you cannot retrive it
Diego 3 years ago
molto utile
Aditya Goyal 3 years ago
May be it can be recoverd you should give it a try.
tjimbonde 3 years ago
he Tribunal declared that intelligence sharing between the United States and the United Kingdom was unlawful prior to December 2014, because the rules governing the UK’s access to the NSA’s PRISM and UPSTREAM Programmes were secret. It was only due to revelations made during the course of this case, which relied almost entirely on documents disclosed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, that the intelligence sharing relationship became subject to public scrutiny.
Cars77 3 years ago
try salvagedata
Yugal Kishor Solanki 3 years ago
yes if it is readable
Ronaldo 3 years ago
Sem qualquer chance de recuperação.
Rashid 3 years ago
No this is not perfect amd trusted
Maureen Michael 3 years ago
Sinces you took it by yourself to a company that is for data recovery and they said that by their opinion it is unrecoverable. Then you can try another company near u, if it's thesame opinion, then it unrecoverable.
Matt 3 years ago Correct
The picture isn't entirely clear, but from the look of it, it looks like they are saying its unrecoverable due to gouging out of the platter. That doesn't mean that it's entirely unrecoverable, but it does make it a lot more complicated.
First off, if its gouging, it means that the heads are contacting the platter. Basically they will make physical contact with the platter instead of hovering slightly above it. That means that in most circumstances they cant read from it, and that it will physically damage the platter, which is not at all good.
Alternatively, it may just be overuse of that portion of the disk. Even if they are not contacting, continually writing and re-writing to the same sector of the disk can eventually wear it away if the disk is an older one.
Regardless, what's probably happening (again, cant be sure due to picture quality) is that the heads are getting to that portion and getting stuck and unable to move on to other data. Usually when this happens you should hear a rhythmic clicking as the drive tries to read, meaning that it is getting stuck and returning to home, then trying again.

You have a few suggestions of companies that can give a second opinion, so I wont touch on that. Instead there options you can attempt at home.

Recuva is a data recovery program that you can use from home that can usually recover data off of a disk. Often it will be able to get the heads to move past gouges or worn out sectors (unless the head is still contacting the platter) and recover data from other sectors of the disk. EaseUS is another software that works well. I have used both personally and recovered data from drives that were on the edge of complete failure, even damaged drives. They are both free, but they take a long time to run. So the only thing that you would waste by trying is time.

Another option (one that I would not recommend for people without experience or for data that you cannot afford to lose) is to transplant the platters to an identical harddrive enclosure. Find an identical drive, get some drive head combs, transplant the platters into the new enclosure and make sure the heads do not touch the platters.
If you decide to go that route, I would HIGHLY suggest looking up videos. I would also reiterate that you should not do that with a drive with sensitive data you cannot afford to lose. Its really easy to brick the drive.
blabla93 3 years ago
Thanks for the advice. Will check on 3rd data recovery center later on.
Matt 3 years ago
Nikhil Bhima 3 years ago
Yes, once it's burnt, it's gone. Boom boom
vale 3 years ago
unfortunatly it is impossible to recor data, i had the same isuue and tryed different companies :(
freak122 3 years ago
I´m not 100% sure, but it looks like it´s not retrieveable
player 3 years ago
The picture isn't entirely clear, but from the look of it, it looks like they are saying its unrecoverable due to gouging out of the platter. That doesn't mean that it's entirely unrecoverable, but it does make it a lot more complicated. First off, if its gouging, it means that the heads are contacting the platter. Basically they will make physical contact with the platter instead of hovering slightly above it. That means that in most circumstances they cant read from it, and that it will physically damage the platter, which is not at all good. Alternatively, it may just be overuse of that portion of the disk. Even if they are not contacting, continually writing and re-writing to the same sector of the disk can eventually wear it away if the disk is an older one. Regardless, what's probably happening (again, cant be sure due to picture quality) is that the heads are getting to that portion and getting stuck and unable to move on to other data. Usually when this happens you should hear a rhythmic clicking as the drive tries to read, meaning that it is getting stuck and returning to home, then trying again. You have a few suggestions of companies that can give a second opinion, so I wont touch on that. Instead there options you can attempt at home. Recuva is a data recovery program that you can use from home that can usually recover data off of a disk. Often it will be able to get the heads to move past gouges or worn out sectors (unless the head is still contacting the platter) and recover data from other sectors of the disk. EaseUS is another software that works well. I have used both personally and recovered data from drives that were on the edge of complete failure, even damaged drives. They are both free, but they take a long time to run. So the only thing that you would waste by trying is time. Another option (one that I would not recommend for people without experience or for data that you cannot afford to lose) is to transplant the platters to an identical harddrive enclosure. Find an identical drive, get some drive head combs, transplant the platters into the new enclosure and make sure the heads do not touch the platters. If you decide to go that route, I would HIGHLY suggest looking up videos. I would also reiterate that you should not do that with a drive with sensitive data you cannot afford to lose. Its really easy to brick the drive.
MrMoon 3 years ago
MrMoon 3 years ago
HattyHats 3 years ago
It could be possible. I am not totally sure, but if you bring it to someone who can actually take a look at it in person, I believe they could give you an honest answer!
bobby12 3 years ago
yes if it is readable
Joe Garrett 3 years ago
Try to alternative company.
Halil 3 years ago
Yanan verilerin tamamını olmasa bile birazını kurtabiliyorlar. Bence kurtarılır.
This can be recovered here in Nigeria. i know of a very tight Guy who was trained by MI6 in but her is based here in Nigeria.
nyansa 3 years ago
everything is recoverable in the right hands as the saying goes. you just have to look for a professional.
try this company